The Altar Fellowship
2025 - This Year We UnMask
2 Corinthians 3:16-18
"But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image."
In 2024, we are stepping into the light. We stand unabashedly ready to grow under God's mighty hand. We understand that He has given us freedom of choice and thought. We exercise this freedom to choose Him as our Lord and Savior. We use this freedom to pursue Him with abandon. We use the intellectual and emotional gifts God has given us to rise up as Christians, citizens, and members of our community.
In 2024, we stand honestly next to our brother and sister. We cry together. We laugh together. We believe that we have been called to live in community. We will stick to each other, forgive each other, and always UNMASK because there is power in being vulnerable. Our life story and experience can build our brothers and sisters, and we won't deny each other that blessing.
In 2024, we stand honestly, next to our fellow person. We recognize that we are not perfect. That we are in process. We have been blessed by becoming children of God, but we cannot take credit as God Himself paid the price for our redemption. We stand next to our friends and do not act with an air of superiority. Rather, we embrace them and encourage them to try and test a relationship with Yahweh, the King of all the universe, in whom we've put our trust. We respect our friends' choices. Just as God respects theirs. Just as God respects ours.
In 2024, we Unmask. We love God. We love people. Period. Our love for God and people is the foundation of our community, and it is this love that binds us together and guides our actions and the practice of our faith.
Check out our services below by clicking on the images
AGAPE 2025 - A New Tradition of Love & Friendship

Join us on Sunday, February 16 at 4 pm and celebrate love and friendship with us!
Enjoy the newest tradition of love and friendship in the area! Join us for a special event filled with delicious food and great company, and build unforgettable memories with that special someone. La Gran Mansión @ 1925 Northgate Blvd, Sarasota, FL, is "the" site for a master event like this. We promise that you will be treated like royalty from the moment you arrive.
Dress up, and come ready to indulge in a gourmet meal, network with known and new friends. Enjoy three amazing young performers, wine, dine, be inspired and dance the night away!
If you are a business owner or employer, these tickets are a great way to show appreciation to your employees. They might even be a fantastic team-building opportunity or a way to celebrate your star performers.
Whether you come with your significant other, a friend of groups of friends, or a group of business or work associates, this is your chance to experience luxury and elegance in a relaxed setting while learning about and contributing to The Altar Fellowship's service to our community and their youth development and family strengthening initiatives. Come and have fun and contribute to this worthy cause. Together, let's make AGAPE 2025 a reality.
Get your and your friend's tickets today and prepare for an unforgettable evening of pure enjoyment at AGAPE 2025!
Event Date: 2025-02-16 4:00 PM - 2025-02-16 10:00 PM
Event Location: La Gran Mansión - 1925 Northgate Blvd, Sarasota, FL

Registration for 2025 UNTANGLE Youth Camp is now open.
We are happy to announce this year's summer youth camp! Camp Untangle 2025 (June 5-8, 2025) will be packed with spiritual, faith-based studies, game tournaments, dancing, music, life skill coaching, fun and even trauma-informed group activities, and discussions. Pastors and behavioral therapists Gene McIntyre and Marybeth Steigenga, both with extensive experience working with young people, and The Altar Fellowship Team join forces again to deliver 3.5 days to educate, encourage, support, and provide our youth with a transformative, fun-filled experience.
No Kids? No Problem. You can pledge or sponsor a child.
Admission per camper: $300 (includes all recreational activities, tournaments, group and individualized ministry, music, T-shirt, food and lodging)
For more information, text Gene McIntyre at 941-565-1344.
Or feel free to go to our shop/donate section to purchase Camp Untangle 2025 for a child or two.