Don't have a young child, you can still help, sponsor a child to attend The Altar Fellowship is Youth Development.
This is the mission you are supporting when you join our AGAPE gala. We are happy to announce this year's summer youth camp! Camp Untangle 2025 (June 5-8, 2025) will be packed of spiritual, faith-based studies, game tournaments, dancing, music, life skill coaching, fun and even trauma-informed group activities, and discussions. Pastors and Psychotherapists Gene McIntyre and Marybeth Steigenga, both with extensive experience working with young people, and The Altar Fellowship Team join forces again to deliver 3.5 days that will educate, encourage, support, and provide our youth with a transformative, fun-filled experience. No Kids? No Problem. You can pledge or sponsor a child. For more information, text Gene McIntyre at 941-565-1344.