Reverend John McIntyre's Obituary

John McIntyre
August 1, 1961 - September 2, 2021
Bradenton, Florida - Reverend John C. McIntyre (he did not like to be called a reverend so let's start this like rebels!) was is a most wonderful man, husband, father, brother and friend. The beloved husband of Gene (Lilia Geneva) McIntyre and father of Astrid Victoria and JC (John Charles Jr.), he passed into the Heaven he knew was awaiting him on September 2, 2021. He was born on August 1, 1961, at Madison General Hospital to Thomas and Joyce C. McIntyre.
John attended schools in Pardeeville and Beaver Dam, Wisconsin growing up. He graduated from Pardeeville Senior High in 1978. He played baseball, football, and even some basketball. He loved a good joke and was a prankster. He did theater in high school (going against type as Dr. Caius in The Merry Wives of Windsor) and loved the mental arm wrestling known as debate. He was an all-around kind of guy. He was voted most likely to succeed in his class and graduated from Concordia University (eventually) with a degree in Director of Church Ministries. He was a sensitive and deeply caring Certified Nursing Assistant for all his adult life. He pastored a congregation, was a super dad and managed the McIntyre household. He also served as a chaplain for Blake Memorial Hospital.
John and Gene started corresponding online on April 23rd, 1998, met face-to-face in May of that year and were married in Madison, Wisconsin in October, by a judge of peace that said, "I have never seen such love before." They loved each other so much they got married four times with no divorces in between. (the way John loves to say it). Their civil wedding in Madison on October 3rd, their church wedding in Panama on December 19, 1998, a renewal of vows one year later for family and friends in Wisconsin, on October 1st, 1999; and finally in December of 2018 on their 20th anniversary, when they vowed, "I still do." They would have celebrated 23 years of marriage this fall. John and Gene started to serve God together from the moment they wed. They cherished their time leading others closer to God, comforting the broken-hearted and working together for His Kingdom. Even throughout his hospitalization, his passing and this life celebration, as you read this obituary, pastor John is preaching his best sermon yet. We thank you for listening. We are sure that John is delighted that you are.
At age 19, after completing a thorough review of all major world religions, John decided it was time to evaluate the evidence and prove his hypothesis. Convinced that he had found the true God, he knelt by a couch on his mom's house and spoke to Yahweh, saying, "I have concluded you are the true, living God. If you are real, come into my life. I can't continue living this way." (John struggled with depression and anxiety for most of his life). John says that at that moment the presence of God became real for him. He cried for a long time and then sat down to think. He has always been a deep thinker. When his mom walked in a few hours later, she asked him, "What happened to you?" Much had happened. From that moment on, he walked with God. He served for many years through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship during his college years. He became an ordained minister in 2000 and served in different capacities; to include assistant pastor in local congregations. He holds a bachelor's in liberal arts, completed the Berean Bible Institute Program for Ministry and has always had a voracious appetite for knowledge; particularly as it refers to the Word of God. Right now, he knows fully just as he is fully known. He can see clearer than any of us can. His eyes have seen the Lord's face and he walks with Him in a state of complete wholeness and happiness.
John and Gene founded The Altar Congregation in their living room in May of 2008. Together, they have worked tirelessly for the underprivileged in Bradenton and Sarasota. Following the pandemic, they have extended their presence and planted congregations in Latin America. Astrid Victoria was born in 2002 and JC in 2008. With their parents, they walked the streets of many neighborhoods, fed the hungry and brought God's message of hope and life to anyone who would listen. Every year, they sang Christmas Carols from home to home to spread love. They have a simple mission: "We love God. We change lives." All their services and efforts cross denominational barriers and provide a simple, down-to-earth approach to ministry.
A devoted father, John has always reveled in his children's intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth. He is a doting uncle and much-loved brother as well as an outstanding son. He wrote hundreds of love letters to his wife. He showed up for his children's activities and organized outings with their friends. He prayed for others and studied the Word of God intensely. He spoke truthfully and took his job as a pastor and teacher very seriously; encouraging his disciples not only to love God but to study, evaluate and test everything. We will miss his silly sense of humor, his love of all Wisconsin sports, and his Irishman's passion for a good argument. In his younger days, he would even invite people preaching door-to-door inside to go head-to-head with them over spiritual writings. It didn't matter if it was a Mormon Elder or some other religion. All bets were off! He usually left them exhausted with his intellectual prowess, but in good humor all the same!
John is survived by his cherished wife and biggest fan, Gene; daughter, Astrid Victoria; his son, JC and quite a few spiritual children from all over the world. He is also survived by a brother, Jim of Pardeeville, Jody McIntyre (Karl Kletzien) of Madison, and Jeri McIntyre (Mickey Rochon) of Lake Mills, as well as, niece, Jocelyn and nephews; Layne, Fox, and Vai, outstanding sister-in-love, Lacey G. Kramer Algandona (Matt), his close friend, brother, Sam Algandona (Karla) and the extended Kramer and Algandona-Argüelles families.
John, we miss you so much, we love you, and we can't wait to see you again. Thank you for being a great husband, dad, brother, son, cousin, and all around good human being.
The world is a smaller place without you. Slán Abhaile. In love, Jody McIntyre (your sister) & Gene McIntyre (your wife).
We will Celebrate Pastor John's Heaven Homecoming on Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 1PM EST from Resonate Life Church located at 1820 53rd Ave W, Bradenton, Florida. For friends and family living elsewhere, the event will be Live-Streamed via the Facebook page: