
We are happy to announce this year's summer youth camp! Camp Untangle 2025 (June 5-8, 2025) will be packed with spiritual, faith-based studies, game tournaments, dancing, music, life skill coaching, fun and even trauma-informed group activities, and discussions. Pastors and behavioral therapists Gene McIntyre and Marybeth Steigenga, both with extensive experience working with young people,  and The Altar Fellowship Team join forces again to deliver 3.5 days to educate, encourage, support, and provide our youth with a transformative, fun-filled experience.

No Kids? No Problem. You can pledge or sponsor a child.

Donation per camper: $300 (includes all recreational activities, tournaments, group and individualized ministry, music, T-shirt, food and lodging)

For more information, text Gene McIntyre at 941-565-1344. 

Or feel free to go to our shop/donate section to purchase Camp Untangle 2025 for a child or two.


cost?  $300.00
Early Bird $275.00 through Spring of 2025


No Kids?  No Problem!   Click the link below and send someone to The Altar Kidz Youth Camp 2025!



Starting March 1st, The Altar Kiz have their monthly celebration on the last Saturday of every month.


Bible Study



Recreational Activites

Love and lots of fun!

Contact Pastor Gene at 941-565-1344 for more information. 



Every Wednesday at 7 pm EST we meet together at 114 Brown Street, Bradenton, Florida to worship and to study the Word of God.  Our Wednesday services are interactive and our weekly version of a family reunion.  We worship God and then we start a discussion about the passage we are studying.  We are currently going through the new testament, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Watch out and dig deep as pastor Gene finds a creative way to bring you closer to the original meaning of Scripture. She will engage you in questions, discussions and may even teach you how to recite the Word of God with some funky moves! No one gets bored at these dynamic services!

At The Altar Fellowship, we believe that God has given us thinking minds with a purpose. We welcome curiosity, questions and open discussion. If we do not know, we'll find out. We study the Word vertically, rather than superficially. And we do it keeping our current challenges in mind.

Wanna go up?  We are ready for you!  God is ready for us!

Every Sunday at 10 am EST, we meet both in person and via YouTube LIVE.  Our address is 114 Brown Street, Bradenton, FL 34208.

Get ready to study the Word with Pastor Gene and Pastor Lacey as they present the Word of God in a verse by verse analysis.  You will grow!  Enjoy alto The Altar Worship, who will minister to God and to you, providing you a true spiritual experience.  We Welcome intelligent and curious worshippers. You do not need to check your brain at the door to worship with us!

God's presence and love move among us.  Join our Sunday Services and our community of faith!

If you are unable or too far to drive to 114 Brown St, Bradenton, FL, you can join our services virtually via our LIVE transmissions here: